Since 2022 and the beginning of the Ukraine-Russia War, everything informationally that Russia releases as their version of everything, is Biden Administration 100% Censored from American Citizen access – not just RT (Russian English language Television).
Since October 7, 2023, every LIE claimed by Hamas (i.e., Gaza Health Department, etc., etc.) – no matter how many times rationally proven as a LIE – and every other LIE from any and all Muslim Brotherhood Jihadist ‘Political Wing’ of Goebbels-like propagandists as…..
The Ruling Class in the corrupt Western Big Governments – i.e., the World-Wide Social Oligarchy Globalist Bureaucratic Occupation Government (WWSOG – BOG) – have 3 depraved and fatuous secret motivations for their flooding of their own countries with huge numbers of illegal migrants (somehow virtually impossible to legally deport in rational numbers, even in spite of violent crime).
I. Money – Growth of Total Wealth
Two centuries ago, the Scottish Economist David Ricardo objectively and scientifically studied the growing…..
My 1960s college dictionary defines ‘Hostage’ as: 1. A person kept or given as a pledge for the fulfillment of certain agreements; 2. The state of the person thus kept or given.
That is it!
Although a near universal human practice, it is most easily ascertainable in Western European Civilization’s history.
During the Golden Age of Athens, when Pericles the Great was so often the senior General and, therefore, the Political and Military Chief Executive Officer of the Athenian-led Delian…..
In the new Trump Administration, an investigation into political corruption by leading American ‘Elites’ (Biden on down) and Ukrainian ‘Elites’ (Zelinsky on down) may reveal the following ‘peculiarity’ in their investment portfolios.
Starting on August 23, 2024: Raytheon and many other ‘defense’ stocks were both sold and further ‘shorted.’
If RFK Jr.’s support of Donald Trump had nothing to do with it, it is the greatest ‘Coincidence’ in the history of Wall Street.
All week long, a headline trumpets ALL OUT CRAZY whiningly demanding of the DNC to stop participating in ‘Dehumanization of Palestinians.’
I must be in the wrong century, in the wrong civilization.
What kind of so-called HUMANS commit the October 7 atrocities and PROUDLY upload their handiwork to the Internet to RECRUIT even more followers of their DEATH CULT?
I. Social Functioning Two Diverse Ways
As I have written in my book, and a number of times in early essays on this website, all communication in society, both officially uttered and privately spoken between individuals, adheres to what all the participants conform to: ‘the philosophically rooted faithful beliefs that inform and motivate (people and) society.’ (It is either ridiculable or even dangerous to step outside those parameters.)
To simply describe the two choices:
All social life is based…..
Part I: The Ancient World
Socrates: Have you an opinion on my impending Impiety trial, Plato?
Plato: Of course, Socrates – and I fully intend to be there in the audience.
S: So what is your speculative opinion of the final decision?
P: I cannot conceive that you could be convicted, Socrates. Anyone, who knows you personally as I have almost all of my life known you, knows that you are anything but Impious.
S: So you believe trials are…..
In the run up to the 1860 Presidential Election, Abraham Lincoln assured his Republican nomination with the first of his three eternally famous speeches, this one at Cooper Union in New York City. The most famous phrase became known in history books as the memorable title: “A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand.” (The phrase derives from the Gospels of both Mark and Matthew.)
In my book about Socrates, and in a number of earlier essays on this website, I…..
Part I: History
There were two instances during WW II when FDR’s Administration could have saved some of the six million Holocaust I Jewish victims from Hitler’s Final Solution. Both are completely lost in the ‘memory hole’ of actual American and world history.
In neutral Switzerland, the German government secretly offered to sell Jews for trucks to amplify their war effort. It is politically and militarily understandable, but horrifically tragic, that THOSE JEWISH HOSTAGES WHO COULD HAVE BEEN SAVED…..
There are only two theories of what human societies will believe and publicly so state.
Reason based on individual sincerity – logically consistent and irrefutable facts are the basis for faith in reason. [Repetitively questioning any alternative is what got Socrates executed (and Giordano Bruno tortured and executed 2000 years later),]
Enforced Social Harmony – Complete public acceptance by those below the propagation of the FAITHFUL BELIEFS of the…..