I see Longshanks Starmer, hiding from domestic scrutiny in the UK for his many political atrocities, is now lingering in Kiev and promising even more advanced weaponry to his pal President-for-Life Zelinsky.
May I point out a few discordant facts. For example, the USA has never Audited (as in legally accounting for) the hundreds of billions of dollars of military and other ‘aid’ to the most corrupt government in the so-called ‘Democratic Western World.’ Also, advanced weaponry identical to some…..
Pope Francis’ Quotes on Migrants “Migrants must be welcomed and integrated” “Migrants are our brothers and sisters in search of a better life” “The sin is to refuse to encounter the other, the different, the neighbor, when this is in fact a privileged opportunity to encounter the Lord … to overcome our fears so as to encounter the other, to welcome, to know and to acknowledge him or her.” “Let us take our most vulnerable brothers and sisters by the…..
When the public persona of fraudulent failing politicians reaches a point of no return in their belatedly dying phony act, they become ever more hysterically, irrationally destructive.
Political thespian Longshanks Starmer, the Chief (Fake) Investigative ‘Prosecutor’ in the 10 or 15 years ago belatedly made public ‘Islamist Grooming Scandal’ whose fake ‘prosecution’ was a conniving massive cover-up in reality, has come up with a new ‘act’ of desperation. Before his perpetual enablers in the EVIL SCUMBAG PRESS, this time in…..
An Addendum to the Previous (January 15, 2025) Essay
I have two such questions. One is based on money and the other one on the Rules and Regulations of LEGAL PROCEDURE.
My historical inspiration consists of two criminal prosecutions for MURDER with massive world-wide constantly focused on for months media coverage. (If I hear something ten times, I and the rest of the world remember it better than a mere once or twice.)
Question 1: How much does it cost…..
I. Classical Athens – One-Tier Rule of Law
Beginning in the sixth century BCE, before Socrates was born, Athenian Citizens had equal Civil Rights and Civil Liberties before the Law. To ensure that, Athens had the Constitutional Rule of Law carved into stone for all citizens (and even foreigners) to publicly verify by reading. Though many citizens in the early days were illiterate, everyone knew a trustworthy friend or relative who could read it to them. Justice before the…..
During the U. S. Grant Administration (1869-1877), the vast Crown Jewel of the U. S. Park Service, Yellowstone National Park, home of the geyser ‘Old Faithful,’ was created and has since been a tourist destination for Americans who love the outdoors.
During the Theodore Roosevelt Administration (1901-1909), the U. S. Forest Service was created to manage it.
In the 1950s and beyond, the most prevalent ‘Public Service’ advertisement on television was a cartoon character named ‘Smokey the Bear’ telling Americans: …..
[The following is my best memory of the Truth, the Whole Truth and nothing but the Truth – thankfully protected by the First Amendment.]
Some critically important, but not well-known, facts are the basis of what follows – along with three rational speculations.
Fact I: FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, starting in the 1920s, and with full presidential authorization, without court orders, continually spied on communications by known communists. Every successive president reauthorized this procedure. From the beginning, he was…..
To save COMMON PEOPLE from having their reliable use of electricity for residential and/or small business purposes (because of the Exponential greater need for electricity by all AI developmental and commercial uses), there will be a need for all such AI infrastructure to generate their own electricity divorced from residential and small businesses on the Common Grid.
UniParty political corruption (and its intertwined lobbyist industry) being ubiquitous (for Special Interests at the expense of the Common Good), I speculate it…..
Speaking as a self-respecting President Donald J. Trump supporter. I find UK Affirmative Action Foreign Secretary David Lammy to be the perfect moral equivalent of the Al Sharpton of British Politics and I could not possibly tolerate any ambassador from the UK until a full and complete remorse-filled self-humiliating two-hour public apology on X for his perverse insults of President Trump and his supporters – and three other requirements:
David (Al Sharpton) Lammy should be banned from all political power…..
I could swear I remember, back during the Obama Dictatorship, that I read in Barron’s (the Dow Jones weekly financial publication) for a number of issues that the U. S. Leviathan Big Government incurred a ‘technical’ debt way above the ‘authorized limit’ and for quite some period of time.
Way back then, the ‘explanation’ was that there were all these ‘trust funds’ that were being ‘borrowed against’ until the ‘Official Debt Limit’ was officially raised by the free-spending schmucks in…..