Our Sophistry-laden ‘Rule of Law’ has been so FUBAR that lawyers are probably trained in Law School to sincerely believe that ‘Right to Privacy’ is just a Lawyer Euphemism for any and all Abortions. If there really is a ‘Right to Privacy,’ should that not be one’s domicile?
Congress should immediately pass a law that declares the internet or other public communication mechanism identifying of the home address of anyone to be harassed or worse by the mobs that…..
Since the last Democrat Party line of defense against the return of ‘Government of the People, by the People and for the People’ in the landslide election of the new Trump Administration is keeping Kash Patel from cleaning up the top-down massively corrupted FBI (corrupted in stages since Judge William Webster left the job to replace the deceased Bill Casey as Director of the CIA), I have a suggestion.
The one Republican who is most massively pissed-off at all Big…..
Back on December 5, 2020, on this website, I posted a lengthy essay (“Reason vs. Faith”) about what I always believed was the fraudulently stolen 2020 Presidential Election.
Since political clichés constitute the preponderance of the moronic political ‘talking points’ that useful idiot amateur votaries condescendingly use to brow-beat rational skeptical challenges to their narcissistic political ‘beliefs,’ I emphasized three such clichés that, within one month of the stolen election, had already become the new standard ‘debating points’ for months,…..
Whenever and however Mitch McConnell finally leaves the Senate (as the most senior UNIPARTY operative), the FBI should finally investigate him and his many CCP friends and associates for their profit-making ‘activities.’
When the obvious Kavanaugh Defamation of Character Perjurer testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Committee Chairman Charles Grassley an honest and honorable long-term American Republican Senator, ‘referred’ the transparent perjurer for Department of Justice prosecution.
Two RINOs stood in the way. Attorney General Bill Barr, a ‘classical’ Bush…..
[Everything contained below is my best memory of the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and my personal opinions all of which is thankfully protected by the First Amendment.]
Born in 1945, living in New York City, attending public school right on through college (CCNY) in the 1960s, to me, the name Richard Nixon was the name of one of the four most socially hated prominent Americans in government and politics.
[The others were:
Wisconsin Senator Joe…..
Part I: Drug Gangs
If ‘Civilization’ is to be saved for the common people majority, where should we put this violent element?
No government in the civilized world willingly accepts the return of Murderous violent Drug Gangsters who have found a ‘home away from home’ to flourish in the USA. The Biden Administration’s welcome mat for such Billion Dollar Criminal Organizations has been lifted by the 21st century ‘no more Bullshit Philo Beddoe-style’ Trump directed return…..
Quite a few subversive Left-Wing extremist groups steal and/or otherwise acquire an American Flag and burn it in Public Relations Hate ‘Rallies.’ NO CHARGES.
Quite a few Racist Islamic Supremacist subversive extremist groups – sometimes in POPULAR FRONT organizational alliance with Marxist-Leninist Left-Wing extremist groups – steal and/or otherwise acquire Israeli Flags and burn them in Public Relations Hate ‘Rallies.’ NO CHARGES.
ANTIFA – The Marxist-Leninist terrorist group violently assault lots of people – unopposed and never arrested by police…..
I see Longshanks Starmer, hiding from domestic scrutiny in the UK for his many political atrocities, is now lingering in Kiev and promising even more advanced weaponry to his pal President-for-Life Zelinsky.
May I point out a few discordant facts. For example, the USA has never Audited (as in legally accounting for) the hundreds of billions of dollars of military and other ‘aid’ to the most corrupt government in the so-called ‘Democratic Western World.’ Also, advanced weaponry identical to some…..
Pope Francis’ Quotes on Migrants “Migrants must be welcomed and integrated” “Migrants are our brothers and sisters in search of a better life” “The sin is to refuse to encounter the other, the different, the neighbor, when this is in fact a privileged opportunity to encounter the Lord … to overcome our fears so as to encounter the other, to welcome, to know and to acknowledge him or her.” “Let us take our most vulnerable brothers and sisters by the…..
When the public persona of fraudulent failing politicians reaches a point of no return in their belatedly dying phony act, they become ever more hysterically, irrationally destructive.
Political thespian Longshanks Starmer, the Chief (Fake) Investigative ‘Prosecutor’ in the 10 or 15 years ago belatedly made public ‘Islamist Grooming Scandal’ whose fake ‘prosecution’ was a conniving massive cover-up in reality, has come up with a new ‘act’ of desperation. Before his perpetual enablers in the EVIL SCUMBAG PRESS, this time in…..